A Christian Perspective on Fasting Throughout the ages of the Christian centuries, fasting has been viewed both positively and negatively. John Wesley said, "Some have exalted religious fasting beyond all Scripture and reason; and others have utterly disregarded it." At times it has been considered to be a panacea of all spiritual problems, an activity permeated with magical powers. This is not unrelated to the problems experienced in biblical times in the matter of fasting. For example, consider what Isaiah had to say, "'Why have we fasted,' they say,'and you have not seen it? Why have we humbled ourselves, and you have not noticed?' "Yet on the day of your fasting, you do as you please and exploit all your workers. (Isa. 58:3) At other times fasting has been considered as something that is "old fashioned" and not belonging to the life of the Christian. So, what is fasting? Is it a part of a Christia...