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Showing posts from March, 2017
Hi all  Easter is a time for celebration for Christian believers across the world. It commemorates the most amazing event all of history – the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. This is the most amazing miracle of all time. No others can compare with it. The resurrection of Jesus Christ declares his victory over death and evil. It is the beginning of a new life, a new kind of life, a life beyond the grave. With the resurrection of Jesus Christ a new era dawned for mankind. The New Testament states that the same body of Jesus Christ that was buried was raised on the third day to a glorified state. This happened to fulfil the Scriptures. Christ’s resurrection is evidence of his deity; proves his victory over death and the Powers of darkness; gives us a living hope and assurance of God’s acceptance; and is the foundation for our eventual resurrection. There is a day coming when Christians will also rise from the dead and receive a glorified body like Christ’s. In fact, when so
Listen to this song from the band Unspoken - it is a good reminder of how far God's grace stretches...