Why should we pray in the Name of Jesus? Google defines a name as " a word or set of words by which a person or thing is known, addressed, or referred to". So what makes a name so special? And more specifically, why all the fuss about the Name of God? Recently a thought came to my mind concerning this Name and the world's insistence on using it idly. Isn't it strange that you would never be watching TV and in high speed car chase, after barely avoiding a head on collision, one of the characters exclaims, "Buddha, that was close!" Likewise, in no movie has the name "Muhammad" ever been used as an expletive. But for some reason the Lord's Name is quite popular for this application. Jesus, Christ, Jesus Christ, God, God Almighty, God Above, Sweet Jesus and a whole host of others are all used in a dishonorable fashion on radio, TV and other sources of media. Obviously they have never heard or pay no heed to the third commandment, wh...