What does it mean to have fellowship with God?
When I heard the word ‘fellowship’ I always used to imagine
a small group of very solemn believers coming together to talk about God and
pray for each other. I learnt over time that fellowship is so much more than
that. It can take many forms and has many expressions. Fellowship can find
expression among believers but also among family members and in your
relationship with God.
I recently heard somebody draw a distinction between our
relationship with God and our fellowship with Him. We are able to stand in a
relationship with the Father because of the price Jesus paid on the cross to
reconcile us with Him. By faith we enter into this life-giving
relationship and by faith we grow to maturity in this amazing relationship.
While we might enjoy the security and benefits of our
relationship with God, our fellowship with Him could be lacking and leave us
feeling empty and longing for more. Truth be told, we should always long
for an even more meaningful connection, a deeper fellowship with God. That is
why we can echo the words of the Psalmist: “My soul thirsts for God, for the
living God”, even as a child of God, who has been serving Him for many years.
This can be further illustrated in a marriage relationship.
Although I have a relationship with my husband, miscommunications and the lack
of meaningful communication can cause a break in the fellowship we experience.
God not only longs for us to stand in a relationship with
Him (through faith in His Son, Jesus Christ), but for us to have a time of
fellowship with Him everyday. James 4 describes how the Spirit jealously
long for us – our whole selves, that we will serve Him single-mindedly and
whole-heartedly. The same chapter contains a wonderful promise: That if
we draw closer to Him, He will draw closer to us.
Having fellowship with God then, is finding times where you
connect with Him, where you pour your heart out to Him and where you hear from
Him. It is living fully in the relationship He has called you into. Enjoy your
fellowship with God!
Bless you
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