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Ekids - Week 7 (Suit up with Prayer)

The Sun Stands Still
Joshua 10:1-14

Once we suit up with all of God’s armor, there is still one thing we need to do. We need to pray! When we pray, God helps us and we can know what we are supposed to do. To get started, color the kid praying in the first picture. This picture helps us remember that once we suit up with God’s armor, we need to pray. Prayer is just talking to God, like you would talk to a friend or parent!
There’s a story in the Bible about a man named Joshua who prayed a really BIG prayer. As I read this story, I’ll continue to tell you which picture to color next!

First, I have to tell you what happened before Joshua prayed this BIG prayer. So go ahead and color the picture of the two armies fighting on your comic strip.
You see, after God’s people, the Israelites, went into the land that God promised them, they had to fight the evil armies of the people who were living there. The leader of the Israelites was Joshua, and he was a great leader. By following him, the Israelites had victory in many battles. What do you think made Joshua such a good leader: he had great hair or he followed God? (He followed God)

Right! But the king of Jerusalem was afraid of Joshua and all that God had done through Him. So the king went to several other cities and gathered their armies together to make one large army. Color the picture of the giant army on your comic strip while I keep reading!
The king took this giant army and attacked a town that Joshua had promised to protect. When Joshua found out what had happened, he gathered the Israelite army to fight the giant army. Amazingly, the Israelites were winning, but Joshua needed more time to have the full victory. He needed help. Who can we talk to when we need help? (God)

Exactly! And that’s what Joshua did. He prayed a BIG prayer, asking for God’s help. He asked for God to make the sun stand still so that the day would not end until the Israelites had victory over the enemy. Everyone color the picture with the sun standing still in the sky. God answered Joshua’s prayer and made the sun stand completely still until the Israelites had completely won the battle!
In the same way, God hears us when we pray. God wants us to pray, asking for His help whenever we need it or others need it. What are some things you can pray to God about? (Allow responses)


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