Bible Story “Gideon” (Judges 6:1-32) GIVE each child a paper plate and a coloring utensil. ALLOW kids to put plates on top of heads. Then, READ the story below. (ALLOW kids to look at their drawings and score them based on the numbers below:) In the Bible, we can read a story about a man named Gideon from Judges 6. Gideon learned how to let God protect him and help him make the right choice. As I read this Bible story, I will give you instructions about what to draw on your plate! BUT…you have to put the plate on top of your head while you draw! God’s people, the Israelites, had disobeyed God. Because of that, He allowed their enemies to come and take over their land. These enemies were called the Midianites, and they were very mean to the Israelites. What would you do if people were being mean to you? (Allow responses) Well, when the Israelites were afraid, they hid in caves or tunnels underground. On your plate, DRAW a cave where someone c...