(Ephesians 6:14)
Memory Verse:
“Put on all of God’s armor. Then you can remain strong against the devil’s evil plans.”
Ephesians 6:11
(Click on Pictures to read)
(Click on Pictures to read)
When Adam and Eve believed the enemy’s lies and did something that God said not to do, they were kicked out of the garden. On that day, death and evil entered the world, and we are still battling it today.
One way we can be equipped to battle against this evil is by suiting up with the Belt of Truth. The Belt of Truth is a piece of the armor of God, and when we put it on, it helps us remember and believe the TRUTH we know from God’s Word – the Bible.
This is important because remembering what God’s Word says will help us any time the enemy is attacking us with lies. We can defend ourselves, and then defeat him using the TRUTH!
ASK the following questions:
1. How do you put on the belt of truth? (Read and remember God’s Word)
2. What are some lies the enemy might attack you with? (Tempting you to do the wrong thing, making you feel insecure, making you think God doesn’t love you, etc.)
3. How can you know if something being told to you is TRUTH or a LIE from the enemy? (If it goes against something in God’s Word, then it is a LIE, pray and ask God to help you know what to believe, ask other people in your life who love God to help you, etc.)
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